Wednesday 27 April 2016

Get Rid of that Floordrobe – Great Storage Ideas for your Home

Whether you’ve been living in your current home for a while and have accumulated a lot of ‘junk’ over the years, or you’ve just moved into a new property and are looking at getting some renovations done before you have the time to accumulate said junk, storage solutions are essential. You don’t exactly want to spend your entire time at home having to wade through all your collectables and DVDs strewn about on the ground in order to get anywhere. Good organisation of your home leads to good organisation in both your personal and professional life, so it is a good idea to start with your own belongings.

There are lots of types of storage available these days for all sorts of items, but some work better than others for certain types of object. There are pros and cons to all sorts of storage, and the point of storage is to be practical, so you need to put this to the forefront of your mind before you start opting for storage solutions based on the fact they’re stylish or attractive. So, what should you be choosing and why?

Storage Boxes and Chests

A chest of drawers is the staple storage piece. It’s versatile, it can fit into almost any space and most objects can reside in one. The only problem is that when they are overfilled, the drawers themselves can buckle and become misshapen, meaning they don’t slide in and out as easily. They can also jam when you try to open them if the items inside get stuck, which can damage the contents and quite possibly the drawers too.
Storage boxes are handy if you’re short on space and have lots of little objects to stash, but they tend to look fairly unsightly unless you opt for an attractive design which fits well with the room. The plus side is that they come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colours so you can store your objects in almost any space, but make sure you choose something that suits your room’s design well so that it doesn’t stand out for all the wrong reasons.

Wardrobes and Cabinets

For clothes, the ultimate storage solution is the humble wardrobe. However with today’s modern demands for clothing, having just a plain wardrobe might not be enough to hold all your clothes. Today’s furniture designers often create huge multifunctional wardrobe/cabinet hybrids. Finding a way for us to store our ever growing clothing collections without taking up too much space at the same time is nigh-on impossible. However getting a multifunctional wardrobe, with a chest of drawers integrated into the lower half may be the nearest solution we can find at the moment. 

Shelving Systems

You could opt for either a shelving system or a filing cabinet when looking at organising your DVDs or important documents. Shelving tends to look more homely and means you can organise it however you see fit, but it can leave you struggling to find things if all of your books and paperwork has been put on in a ramshackle fashion. If you plan on using a shelving system, make sure it is properly organised and easily accessible! Some people may not like using alphabetical systems but it certainly works wonders when you are trying to find that all important document when working from home. 

If needs be you should also separate your shelves by category. Keep your work documents on one shelf, your credit card information and bills on the next, books and DVDs on another and so on. If everything is just shoved together, this can look messy and awkward, and you certainly don’t want that.

Furniture with Hidden Storage

Designers have also, in recent years come up with beds, sofas, chairs – you name it – that also function as added storage. A coffee table could also hold blankets and board games whereas a sofa can easily pull out and become a bed for when guests stay over. A window seat can have shelves installed beneath the seat itself for books or magazines while you are sitting at the window. Contemporary furniture designs have a lot of potential when it comes to offering storage solutions. 

When you are looking into clearing up some of your space for new and more exciting renovation projects, we have a lot more options than ever before. With so many pieces of furniture available designed to add extra storage space in addition to serving a primary purpose as a chair or a bench, there are contemporary ways of storing your odds and sods that we might have never dreamed of twenty years ago. Alternatively you can also still go for a classical approach in a large old timey chest or huge wardrobe. It all depends on your personal taste. At the end of the day, any sort of storage solution is better than simply throwing your things on the floor!

Article provided by Mike James, an independent content writer working together with Yorkshire-based garden furniture specialist Quality Ironmongery, who were consulted over the information contained in this post.

from Home My Heaven: Home Improvement Blog UK

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